Тысячу лет назад... ...cуществовала правительственная организация "Оммьёрио" Работников этой организации называли "Мудрецы". В наш просвещенный век... ...кто-то может считать всю...



Well you know that it's going to be alright I think it's gonna be alright Everything will always be alright When we go shopping Well you know that it's going to be alright When we go shopping It's...
Back in the '80s, before you could buy anything you wanted with a click of a mouse, shopping was more of a contact sport. And no one was better at it than my mom. Remember, dented cans are 50% off. I...
hi welcome to wal-mart did you find everything ok no i did not you moved everything around in the store now I can never find what i'm looking for again i hate this place i'm never...
[music playing] The rue Cler is a small pedestrian market street in Paris, France. It’s about 14 minutes east of the Eiffel Tower, on foot. Market streets in Paris usually have a good variety of food...
>> Okay, thanks. Can everybody hear me? I thought I'd start off with just a couple of straw polls. Who here has never been to an Ikea store? It's a very small number,...