KAYCI 我地係邊到呀? TIM HORTON 係唔係? 我地食乜野? 食 DONUT 呢舊係唔係DONUT黎架? 一舊蛋糕, 一舊DONUT 咁呢舊咩黎架? 呢舊係屎!! 你食唔食? NO 你試下 KAYCI 你試唔試下, 好甜喎 你要食呢個, 呢個咩黎架? 呢個甜架 你食左呢啖先 NO 呢舊屎屎呀! 好似舊屎咁呀! HAHAHAHHAHA 爸爸食啦~ 爸爸食啦, 爸爸食咩呀? 爸爸食呢個,...



There's a huge benefit to owning an income property. And the main thing is that you have a hard asset in which you're building your wealth for the future. And there's a few...
Mask is an outspeak of people-driven united fight of Good against Evil 5th of November is the day of intervention against unjust governing. The power so evil, that it leaves buildings like THIS ONE to...
At Anadarko, we use the visualization technology that Mechdyne installed for us to do a couple things. We have two kinds of facilities in the building. The first kind are the smaller rooms that we use...
Hey somebody, so this week I decided to do a video about my exciting night life, so here we go. It may sound creepy, but I like to people watch and I found that college campuses are one of the best...
A vertebral subluxation is a slight misalignment of the bones of the spine. This misalignment interferes with the ability of the nervous system to carry the vital messages that are necessary for the...
The red-clawed crab is highly adapted to life on land, able to inhabit seaside forests and other places if there is even the slightest big damp. While red-clawed crabs are known to dig their own nest,...
I was born and grew up in a Christian home and I went to church every single Sunday. When I was little I really loved to go to church and I really enjoyed it. But when I was a high school student it...
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Hello, Welcome to "The Joy of d3.js", the commit by commit guide of building Hans Rosling's "GapMinder" data visualisation, this is GamMinder, in d3.js Hans...

