Youíll ask me questions, right? Yes, itís called interview Wow! Hello Daniil! Hello Tell me why do you have such a look? Iím very tired Because itís 9.30pm already And weíre here since 12pm I didnít...



A wizard should know better Two men enter, one man leaves Man, once people start calling you ancient, you know it's over So Ancient Apparition is an apparition of an ancient apparition? nar, I...
I've been many things in my life. I was a school teacher, I'm the founding director of the Australian Acting Academy, the owner of UP & atom Production, I've been a...
Hello, everyone. Thanks for tuning into this DotA commentary by me, 2009. Today, I'll be doing a 1st person instructional VOD about Sand King. Let's start with this hero's...
Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we'll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve Software and the community. And now, the final news for 2012. The Dota 2 winter...
Marriland's X and Y giveaway, a Cheren Pokedex skin now available, and Black and White: Plasma Blast has been announced. Hey guys, Jess here! And this is the Pokemon Update, brought to you by...
MOD006:Tux's supporters have started to petintion and spam the forums Tho Mod004 and i have Ninja removed most of them There are still to many to deal with and support is growing. They see...



Hello my name is SmallKiwi and this is how you play Disruptor. Disruptor is an intelligence based ranged nuker and support. His Q is a single target AOE nuke DOT, his W, a single target CC that...



Hey, I’m Blinks, and this is how you play MAGNUS MAGNUS is a strength-based melee initiator. His Q is a nuke that does damage in a line, his W is a buff that gives him or allied heroes extra damage...
Hello everyone, this is Max and welcome for this Dota 2’s character introduction video. Today we’re gonna talk about Azwraith, aka Phantom Lancer. Phantom Lancer is an agility carry disturbing...

