Bitcoin Mining has taken off, but in the process it has become incredibly challenging for the average person to earn any through "Mining". aims to help users mine new and...



Hey, I'm Smallkiwi, and this is how you play Tidehunter. Tidehunter is a strength-based melee support. His Q is a single target nuke which dramatically reduces move speed, his W is a passive...



Hello my name is Blinks and this is how you play Crystal Maiden. Crystal Maiden is an Intelligence based support. Her Q is a ranged aoe damaging slow, her W disables a single target and does damage to...



Hi, My name is Blinks, and this is how you play Centaur Warrunner. Centaur Warrunner is a Strength-Based Melee Initiator. Centaur’s Q, is a melee range AOE damaging stun. His W, is a melee range...



are you looking for the best bitcoin gambling web sites look no further. Bitcoin Gambling Pro is the number one recommended source providing the highest rated bitcoin casinos featuring poker blackjack...
My design consists on a digital audio effect chain applied to a guitar or stereo audio. It uses the audio CODEC with its line-in (in this case conected to an electric guitar) and line-out (conected to...
Hello my name is SmallKiwi and this is how you play Juggernaut. Juggernaut is an agility based melee carry. His Q does AOE Damage for the duration, his W, a movable AOE Heal, His E Gives him passive...



Hey Guys, this is Blinks, And Here's how you play Riki Riki is an agility-based melee ganker. His Q is an AoE Silencing Smoke that causes enemies to miss. His W is a blink that does damage to...



I'm Lesley Mapstone for GreenBank Capital, symbol GBC on the Canadian National Stock Exchange, has launched 2 new subsidiaries, designed to invest in Bitcoin and Bitcoin...
Hey Guys, its Blinks, and this is how you play Pudge. Pudge is a strength-based melee ganker. His Q is a hook that does damage to and pulls a target enemy to pudge. His W is an small aura that does...

