The City of London is a unique place -- it's the city in a city (in a country in a country) that runs its government with perhaps the most complicated elections in the world involving medieval...
MARGE PHELPS: Forget all the rest of the scripture. Just think logically. It's delusional. These people are delusional. It's like they're all mentally ill. You turned this...
THURMAN SEWELL: I have some twin people that hit us up like, "Yeah, we're like you guys." I'm like, "No, no you're not." You know what I...
HAMILTON MORRIS: As I consume my last sip of water, I prepare for a long and grueling excursion into the terra incognita of the human mind. First I lose awareness of my limbs. Then my body, and...
Canada and the United States share the longest, straightest, possibly boringest border in the world. But, look closer, and there's plenty of bizarreness to be found. While these sister nations...

