ZIMMERN: In a far-flung outpost of the great Alaskan wilderness... Whoa. They're pulling us. [ Laughing ] This is awesome. ...people survive by maintaining skills their ancestors learned a...
Silly question. Well it's November 7th here, Ian Harford, Total Outdoor Adventures, bleeding. We just, we've been walking along, seen a lot of Moose sign. But no Moose, until now....
This little guy has a complex. Don't ya, Napoleon? Barbi, I can see why you love these donkeys so much -- they're so adorable. Well, especially Napoleon, he's just a...
He's gotta be loving this. It's like a pedicure. Well, I like ol' Joe here, you've had him a while. Yeah, Joe's a good one. He's 17. He's one of...