Dharma Sangha Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya Sich im Einklang mit dem Wahrhaftigen Dharma, Guru und dem Weg befindend, moge die Welt den Dharma Tattva realisieren. Und...
Samsara Sonam... Oh no, not again! How long? Three years, three months, three weeks and three days. Tashi, we are taking you back. Tashi, it is time. Tashi, you pushed it too far....



When I started college, I had been in an abusive relationship for almost three years. I was terrified to leave this man...I'll call him "Henry"... because we had a child...
Support Master Yogiraj Siddhanath's Worldwide Mission. Buy and download this exact same video for inspiration to play on your computer or mobile device: [Opening Music Introduction] [Question]...
bjbj Compassion is nothing but caring. It is the basis of our life. The caring we have is the basis of our compassion. Caring for yourself, for your family, for your fellow human beings. If you can,...
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Sadhguru: Why Gautama asked them to be free of Vedas? Participant: Yes. Gautama is asking you to become free of everything that’s old. He is telling you drop your past, it doesn’t matter how glorious...
The summer solstice of 2013 starts on June 21st. Modern man, because he has lost his sensitivity to natural happenings around him because of science and technology which has taken us far away from...
Five hundred years before Christ a young prince set out on a journey. He would travel through pain and suffering to reach nirvana - the everlasting bliss we all dream of. Symbol of peace Symbol of...