This is a cutting activity. We put out different strips of paper with little snips already on them. The first ones that we set out are the ones with the lines the furthest apart. So we might give the...
These are very early activities for writing, writing preparation. Often, we do these on a chalkboard, sometimes we will actually have them on a ditto and let the children pick from a stack of dittos,...
Children are naturally curious and begin to ask “why?” from a very young age. This activity develops this very natural skill. Before class, collect a number of different objects that you will place...
Children learn by doing and role-play activities are a great way to integrate this into the English class. Role-play can be used to improve our children’s English along with their social skills. This...
"Show and Tell” activities allow the children to personalize English. This makes using English fun and natural, and engages children of all ages and levels. This is my favorite show and tell...
Making crafts with your children in class helps develop their creativity. This interactive activity has the added bonus of developing your children’s language skills. So, let’s make party...
Introducing the LeapFrog Learn to Write with Mr. Pencil stylus and writing app! Turn your iPad into the ultimate learn to write tool with the free downloadable writing app and Mr. Pencil stylus....
Sharon, l called a real-estate agent five minutes ago. He deals with apartments in Japan... He said he'd send an e.mail with some photos... That way we can choose which apartment we like the...
Healthy Music for a Child's Heart, Body and Mind >>>Announcer: The Wiggles, from the multi-award winning dvd, All Aboard, Vids for Kids, by The Learning Station [intro...
The Award-Winning educational toy company LeapFrog introduces the LeapPad! The durable, kid-friendly LeapPad Learning Tablet, with built in camera and video recorder is here! with every touch, flip,...