We've setup a very simple e-commerce website here at MangoPublic to show you just how easy it is to maintain your website. Once we've...



Modules are the easiest way to add cool effects to your website. They're easy to install and to customize. On each of our product pages there's a list of Modules available on the right...
in this video I'm going to be showing you how to use the awesome social media widget plugin. It's a free plug in you can install from within your dashboard and it's excellent...



One of the most desired setups when running MarketPress in a MultiSite installation is what some are calling the Etsy-style site setup. Etsy is a network on the web that contains a variety of easy to...
Instilling credibility is essential in your e-commerce website. Let me get into the three basic ways you can do that, and then we'll go into the more advanced parameters. Number one, you want...