I'd like to offer a short story. I want you to practice reading it aloud. Your goal should be to read it smoothly and with natural expression. Practice every day, and by the end of one week,...
Dream... a world of darkness without morning Seized by sleep and freedom The wisdom to make the dream I envision come true Is wiped out in the discordance. Love... a small number of frozen melodies...
I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Welcome to speak English Now Podcast with your host Georgiana. The podcast that will help you to speak English fluently with no grammar...
La Sylphide who I would say is one of the most famous female figures in the classical ballet and it's a very interesting libretto that is explaining about a young Scotsman called James who is...
I am Barnaby, A bear who always wanted to sing, But though I loved singing so much, I sang out of tune among the trees, Until the King of the Birds gave me a whistle, So today this bear sings like a...
Hi everyone, Welcome to my channel I am rebecca Today i bring a new video to talk about my experience in the country where i live For those who are interested i am living in the Netherlands, also...
Who are you ? If you wouldn 't have suspected who I am, you wouldn 't have come here. Captain Yakup. The man you are looking for, in Izmir. You are worthy of the description that you...
WOUNDED LOVE - Hilal & Leonidas Story Episode 8 He couldn 't run away, Commandant. He was punished, as you ordered. This time, the remorses didn 't defeat you, did they ? You...
WOUNDED LOVE - Hilal & Leonidas Story Episode 12 One day before... What do you intend to do ? Don't you know anymore for which side are you fighting ? You intend to turn yourself in ?...
I ... will do everything that is in my power. I have nothing to give you. I can be only a shoulder to cry on, if you want. If you accept... Mrs. Azize... You don 't know them. They killed my...