How I Met Your Mother

Judge: Miss Schmitz, you're familiar with this book? Hanna Schmitz: Yes. Judge: Parts of it have already been read out in court. It's by a survivor.  It's an American publication, which has been...



Marshall:  I have a letter here, written a long time ago to a Mrs. Bixby in Boston. So bear with me. Dear Madam, I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant...



Hey there I'm Megan Meany and today I'm going to talk about good oral health and how important it is for your kids. Good oral health is directly connected to our overall wellbeing and all a lot of...



Being overweight has a wide range of health implications. One new study looked at how a pregnant mother's weight may affect the child they carry. I'm Shelby Cullinan with your latest health news. The...



Certainly for myself being a single dad after we separated and it was, I had the challenges of now having to look after the children without any support. Sometimes I find it being a challenge, being a...



Let me -- let me start I want to start by thanking Elaine. Elaine, thank you so much. We are so grateful for your family's service and sacrifice. And we will always have your back. Over the past few...
You've just met a new person and you are considering going into business with that person but in today's climate and atmosphere you are a little concerned about going into business with someone that...
>>Commentator: We have here today, Steve with us whom I met not too long ago at something called a Smart Life Forum in Palo Alto, where many of the health professionals from this area...



Jae, where are you going? I'm on my way to Korea. How do you feel? I'm feeling a bit down~ Why are you down? I don't know. I just feel strange. Strange? You're gonna...
Let's do it again. Oppa, when you first met me Were you worried? "Ah how do I tell me mom that I'm meeting a foreign/ black girl?" You didn't think about...