[Sobbing] Dad. [Waves Breaking] [Man Gags] [Vomiting] Clear the ramp! 30 seconds! God be with you! Port side, stick. Starboard side, stick. Move fast and clear those murder holes. I want to see plenty...
Mike? What's the pool on me up to right now? What's it up to? What is it three hundred dollars -- is that it? Three hundred? I'm a school teacher. I teach English Composition in this little town...



Marshall:  I have a letter here, written a long time ago to a Mrs. Bixby in Boston. So bear with me. Dear Madam, I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant...



Dad. Clear the ramp! 30 seconds! God be with you! Port side, stick. Starboard side, stick. Move fast and clear those murder holes. I want to see plenty of beach between men. 5 men is a juicy...