St. Andrews, Augusta, Birkdale, Pine Valley I only played a few times, Royal Melbourne, Kingston Heath. I missed out Pebble Beach. I missed out Cyprus Point. I haven't been to places like...
Hi, this is Rich Carr from Meadia Heights Golf Club in Lancaster, Pa on behalf of Expert Village. I’m here to talk about the various signs you see on the golf course, and how they’re here for your...
Hey everyone. I'm Shawn Robinson, intern at North Carolina Center for Health and Wellness, here on our very own UNCA's campus. Out on a brisk, February morning about to play a little...
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Hi, I’m Rich Carr from Meadia Heights Golf Club in Lancaster, Pa on behalf of Expert Village. I’m going to talk with you about anger management on the golf course today. As you can see here, I have a...
president bob on mon may have a golf foursome he had uh... two republics within saxby chambliss and bob corker india democrat with him as well senator you know and apparently innovative although...
My name is Steve Nelke. I'm the PGA Golf Professional here at Hangman Valley Golf Course in Spokane, Washington. The golf course was established in 1969, owned and operated by Spokane County...
Shooting a golf course takes passion and patience. And, you got to get up and really early in the morning. My name is Holger Obenaus and I'm a commercial photographer. The sun never wakes, so...
Hi, this is Rich Carr from Meadia Heights Gold Club in Lancaster, PA on behalf of Expert Village. I’m going to talk about replacing divots on the golf course today. As you can see I’ve hit a drive,...
Hi, I’m Rich Carr from Meadia Heights Golf Club in Lancaster, PA on behalf of Expert Village. I’m here to talk to you about proper attire for the golf course. When you make your tee time at any golf...