hey guys its Paul here Um... I'm just making a quick video, I keep getting asked about the one time payment access forever and i just want to come from you just make one single payment toxics...



[ Music ] I'm Danny Smith. I'm a Solicitor-Advocate practicing in Shropshire. I'm an alumni, that is a graduate from Staffordshire University having graduated in 2004 and the...
Volunteer: Just press the mouse and record your message about Birmingham now. Mother: Just do it, anything, where do you like to go? Where’s your favourite places? Girl: Hello. Mother: Say it now...



Entrepreneurship is essential for economic survival of Serbia. A way for generations that can't find a job, especially younger generations, to find meaning of life and self fulfillment. For...
I'm a 3rd year student in Business Management and I've been running an enterprise project for the Business School in four schools. It involved a full challenge day for up to 150...
So there are a lot of activities going on this week. But one of the main things we've done is we're are holding a transversal study tour. Where we've got guests from right...



Diabetes is a big problem and is a growing problem and so this kind of research is very important. Not only really for the UK and Europe, but across the world. There are only a few groups looking at...
Personally. I think anyone can be an entrepreneur. Everyone can actually show that spirit and that determination to try things and make things happen. I think entrepreneurship is when you are your own...
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