[MUSIC PLAYING] >> So what's being done to resolve this massive global issue? Well, there are people trying to do their best. So a lot of small little, local charities working in...
[MUSIC PLAYING] >> So I'm off to Davos. What do I want from world leaders at Davos? Well, I think first of all getting this issue on people's agendas is so important. We...
[MUSIC PLAYING] >>At the World Economic Forum in Davos every year, YouTube sets up a production base and invites the presidents, dignitaries, and foreign leaders in attendance to stop by...
Do you have something to say? A story that needs to be told? A cause that needs to be heard? A local issue that needs to go global? YouTube and the World Economic Forum are opening the doors of Davos...
It's a time of great transition in the world economy and it's crucial that important causes and problems are not forgotten. This January, at Davos, our leaders will be discussing how...
Then Amina and Violet have to pass a group of warriors armed with sticks and machetes. Some warriors recognize Amina and Violet from last week when we tried to film the circumcisions for the first...



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>>In a few days the world leaders are gathering in Davos at the World Economic Forum to discuss how to improve the state of the world. My name is Loic Le Meur, and I'm going to...
[MUSIC PLAYING] >> So why would someone like me get involved with a campaign to end female genital mutilation? I, first of all, became a freelancer but then went off and did VSO with --...



I'm Loic Le Meur and I’ll be moderating this plenary session. And I’ve been asked to wait another two minutes? We can go? Okay let’s go then. So welcome everyone. I'm going to have...