“Ti avviso, stai facendo un grande errore Flynn. Ti dovrò mettere nella griglia di gioco” Mi chiamo David Freedman e ho scritto la notizia da copertina su Emotiv Con il numero di dicembre del Inc....
Dragon Rising L'ascesa del dragone Italian translation by Ran (Vocaloid sub Ita) In piedi, ragazzi! Distruggiamo tutto; vincolarsi, essere patetici e darsi per vinti, Piangere occasionalmente,...



Oh, you! Have patience! Stop dragging him. My kids are dear to me! Oh brother! My kids are dear to me! My kids are dear to me! Guys, don’t beat him here. If you want to beat him, take him upstairs....
Hay que dejarse llevar por el ritmo de la guitarra Hay que dejarse llevar por estas cuerdas... de la viola, que pueden llegar a ser muy importantes en nuestra vida Tenemos que saber respetar a un...
No matter the place, the sun is always the same, no matter if recuedo, or is it something qe come. No matter how much there is, in your pockets today if anything we welcome, and we'll be...



Welcome back to XarxaMOOC. In this video we’ll review ‘Intercat’, in particular the section ‘Sign me up!’ Intercat is a set of electronic resources for learning Catalan language and culture,...



hate this is pretty interesting in the wake up some marijuana legalization discussions an actual legalization in Colorado there's been a study done by the Wall Street Journal which reveals...