Hello, this is Rebecca in the role of Agnélé who is a furniture restorer in a relationship with Fred. She is also an educator who can help Jihane. In fact, what interested me is to see on screen a...
Hello, I am Elsa I am an actress and I initiated the "Jihane" Project. "NATURAL LOVE?" This project is a diptych of short films, so two movies #1: "Natural...
I am Regina, the actress who plays Iris, Jihane's girlfriend. I like Iris' character because she's not "clichée". In the beginning, it's like,...
IRIS & JIHAN LOVED EACH OTHER Leave your deviant sexuality and find your true nature. Looking to get out of your suffering. REGINA DEMINA as 'IRIS' Want to learn to trust...
Homosexuals have a very difficult life, full of debauchery and loneliness; you can heal! HIDDEN MASCULINITY VIRILITY FOUND FAREWELL TOMBOY RESTORED FEMINITY NATURAL LOVE CAN HELP YOU with Natural...
I can't understand it, believe it, A CLASSICAL PIECE OF LYRIC REPERTOIRE a dream has made me captive; why would he, among all the others, '[A] WOMAN'S LOVE AND LIFE' BY...
the miraculous healing of elisa loi in 1958 is particularly interesting this is the 61st of lourdes miracle approved by the Church elisa loi was healed in lourdes from bone tuberculosis fistol...
It is men who spent on fragrances at special times of the year like Christmas and Valentine's Day But in a sea of category sameness, how do you peek a gentleman's interest and make...
Hey everybody, this is Kristin Booker, I'm with FashionStyleBeauty.com and I am here to teach you how to get "desk to dinner" ready in under 15 minutes flat with just a few...