at notre dame mission game was unbelievable i don't know another not these teams that they're both data now there are both back-to-back dar robinson is very exciting but in our...
A Story about four friends who had gathered in a park Sorry friends, i forgot that i had an appointment with my parents Crap, runs out of battery Wanna cross, Sir? Great disguise Do you wanna know how...
[ Music ] [ Applause ] [ Singing ] >> Over a decade ago, the college through its Board of Regents set in motion the planning for a large performance hall that would include an art...
JESS LEPROTTO: I feel like once the judges really appreciated my strength and just having the courage to do the lifts and overcome something that's been a struggle of mine for years, to hear...
[MUSIC PLAYING] NIGEL LYTHGOE: What's happened this season is we've decided to take people who aren't just good at everything, they are great at what they do. And let's...
In this video I will explain in a few minutes what is the Photoduino Project Photoduino is an electronic camera controller based on Arduino Photoduino can control SLR cameras with a remote shutter...

