Stark naked... ... is a mixture between stark and naked. To most people, skateboarding and East Germany don't go together. But that's not at all true. Something like skating comes...
All I remember is a red-haired boy standing there, wanting to play. That was Denis. Until then, there were only two of us. That's Dirk, and that's me. 1981, I think it was. From that...
A 2007's survey shows that the average monthly income of Hong Kong people is HK$10,100. But there are still 24% people not up to that line yet. Since the handover Hong Kong people's...



Kristen Wiig's latest movie role sees her starring a Cheryl Melhoff in adventure-comedy The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. God, you're not worthy. Hey, my man, you still there? I just...
[Music] Morning sweat while slept. Jumping out of bed now I gotta get prepped. Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up. Got my wallet. Got my sleeves! Now getting to work should be a breeze. Ah...
Friedfischen - unter der Oberfläche In diesem Film richten wir unser Hauptaugenmerk auf das, was unter der Oberfläche - - beim Fischen auf Rotaugen, Brassen, Schleien und Karpfen vor sich geht. An...
Nikdo nic podobného dosud neudělal. Nikdo nedokázal... S výškou více než 30 metrů se jedná o nejvyšší budovu západní Evropy... protest proti plánům Shellu na těžbu ropy v Arktidě... Již dříve...
Has a big-name fast food franchise ever moved into your neighborhood? Did it have a long line of customers in its drive-through as soon as it opened? Have you seen a long line of people camped out at...



(man) What do you think about relationships? Er, I don't know at the minute, cos I'm single. (man) Do you ever want a relationship? Possibly. (man) What do you think about...
"Its a bird.... No.... its a plane, No... Its... Energy Ranger!!!!!" Greetings my fellow friends! My name is energy ranger. Hey!! You can be an energy ranger too, save the world by...