Y me llamas de amigo Cuando mi cabeza sobre tu pecho No ha vuelto a estar recostada, Cuando a menudo nos sacude el miedo, Cuando he perdido tu espalda, Cuando encontramos sólo vacío, Mi amigo. Y me...
Lordose - 20 years. Congratulations! Who'd imagine you'd reach so far on your road, huh? Their rock and roll is really incomparable. So, their sound is very unique and there's...
CHAPTER 14 Gerty Farish, the morning after the Wellington Brys' entertainment, woke from dreams as happy as Lily's. If they were less vivid in hue, more subdued to the half-tints of...



Contestado was the largest caboclo civil war in Brazilian history. Superior to Canudos, at all levels. Political, bellicose, social. The Contestado's region was a land where troops would pass...
LAVANDERÍA ISLA DE Man <i>¿ Una placa de la Isla de Man</i> <i>cerca de una ciudad francesa?</i> <i>Es extraño.</i>...