"Não há tédio quando estou com você Somos tão amigos não entendo o porquê Queria saber que presente te dar de aniversário Nossa amizade vai contra corrente Já te vi inchado depois de uma...



michael you all here for a very serious matter browsing your question your really close to call case or in serious well the internet jackets as criminal minds everybody please listen body was found...
Announcer: Ah... The Amazing World of Gumball. Known for its inspiring messages of inspiration Gumball: When you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything! Hiyah! Hiyah! Hiyah! Announcer: Its...
Vesmír. Chlapec má právo snít. Rozpínájí se před ním nekonečné možnosti. Musíš své vlastní cestě věřit. Ať se stane od této chvíle cokoliv, stůj pevně a nečel už svému osudu se strachem, ... ale...
Announcer: The holidays are all about spending time with those you love. Benson: You be nice to your brother, or you're fired! Announcer: That's why we're giving you a night...
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[ Finn Beatboxing Throughout ] >> ♪ Daddy... ♪ [ Finn Beatboxing Throughout ] >> ♪ Daddy... ♪ >> why-- >> ♪ Daddy... ♪ >> why--...
Stop the Violence Campaign,Cartoon Network,Safe Neighborhoods,Cartoon,Educational Video for Children,Educational Cartoon for Children,Neighborhood Watch,Gang,Violence,Gangs,Family Violence,gang...
Franky: So how did I do dude? Chillz: Man Franky I can't believe you got it in like that out there man. You were are getting tighter with your skateboard movies. Franky: Thanks dude. I mean...