Hi, I’m Myla. And I’m Wyeth. And we are making a movie that is trying to replicate a movie we watched in Film History called High School. [O.S.] High School was made in 1967, when Prep’s first class...
alright sign it's past then skies like yourself i don't even hear myself dijiye myself practice what's that now i just can you speak caliber have chocolate desserts okay guys...



Departmental honors has been a great experience for me. I've gotten to do many things that other students wouldn't, like present my research at a national conference. In fact I...



ALA, ABRYS, MILEWSKIART PRESENT: Give me this, I will film. Get on your bike, Misu, 'cause dady is filming you. All by yourself, bravo! Go on, go on! That's wonderful! Oh, I lost! THE...



[Explosion] [Sirens] [Explosions] [Woman screams] Name? Harry Potter. Mr Potter, you were the only survivor at a nightclub where hundreds of people were found killed. Some were decapitated, some have...
Intro--GPTT Hey folks, it's Deepak here from getpaidtotutor. I'd like to welcome you to the getpaidtotutor official course. I want to extend a personal thank you by saying,...
when I was born I was born in a small town in northern Indiana which at that time the population was less than 9,000 and and at that time they didn't have public transportation and things like...
Our world is filled with challenges. But you know what? You and I can take these challenges and bring change to our world. Why don't you take a challenge for kids in Rwanda? Water For school:...
Before high school, learning seemed to be so much fun and less stress-free. Every day, I can wake up early in the morning and be ready to go to school and learn. It was effortless to keep in mind the...
As gratifying as the work is of strengthening the minds of America's youth at times, teaching can be a demanding job. And like many of us, teachers need help too. Meet Ariqa, a spirited...