so there's an article in politico about how to some inviting the romney campaign and they view this and they spin this tour on the campus whoever leaked it to politico as a positive thing like...
another woman who's actually supportive of the romney campaign in a mystery should pay tests and she refers to herself as a model slash actors section a very popular youtube channel with about...
i read the mit romney campaign is training poll watchers to mislead voters in wisconsin we covered this kind of ten jen chile in the past not specifically in wisconsin and now think progress has...
we heard rumors when chris Christie was being considered during 2012 as a possible running mate for Mitt Romney that some people thought he was too fat it just so happens one of those people appears...
it's thursday in time for world view we dennis campbell dennis is editor in chief of u_k_ progressive magazine also author of the book billionaire boys election freak show that issue coming to...
did you hear lewis about what happened to the romney staffers credit cards before romney even finished his concession speech really that this is incredible mit romney delayed the concession speech so...
so we had the superstar sandy and other paul this is having trouble dealing with it because is right before election they've got to go to campaign events but they can't go to campaign...