crusades against talked about this and there was at least one executive called on his employees to donate up to twenty five hundred to the g_o_p_ author alan a veggie software solutions you know this...
several ronnie advisors have uh... told loving them post more got away where reporter says it was said more alike gone away f now i don't know how they said they would all over t_v_ weathers...
this is a bit dramatic the republicans have lost the culture wars now who was a guy saying that it's not anybody's liberal progressive in fact it is mitt romney's warmer iowa...
of merit applauded a democrat well their practice the disarming of our time ago uh... which will press perspective interested and uh... this is the number one brought me as retired campaign which is...
speaking of the hurricane response i've got a bunch of great stories to tell you about but one interesting one is that it seems that hurricane sandy is leading to republican chris christie...
grand palace is an investigative journalist and also the author of this book billionaires and ballot bandits how to steal an election in ninety izzy steps a greg also has a great article which is also...
mit romney meant romney uh... had a call with his top donors week after the elections uh... he had a special finance chair and some of the people of workers campaign there it was an interesting call...
something happened in mit romney yesterday wasn't good so he's been tallying that day he said he's got a plan to create twelve million jobs right twelve million jobs actually...
yeah alright we've been covering the coke brothers and a number of others including uh... who else was it it was this timeshare mobile and a number of other bosses from big businesses who have...