Louise: The right of families to make personal healthcare decisions is under attack in South Dakota. Indeed, that right could be lost, depending what happens with Measure 11 this November. The results...
[Steve Myers] Someone once told me that you shouldn't use superlatives too much - words like always or words like never, because you really can't count on that to be true humanly...
[Darris McNeely] On Beyond Today, one of our consistent themes is Bible prophecy. And those of you that watch us on a regular basis know that we are continually watching the role of the United States...
welcome back to take action is everybody david shuster here what i shall we've got going this afternoon so glad that you are listening to us and we act radio dot com take action news dot com...
[Steve Myers] We're right in the middle of the Days of Unleavened Bread. The Apostle Paul describes this time in 1 Corinthians chapter 5. And in verse 8 he tells all of us, "Therefore...
kissimmee run to get into the weekend in december the eighth twenty twelve so glad to have you with us listening on all of our various outlets radio and you've seen we know that you cannot for...
Louise Melling: This is the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade is the United States Supreme Court decision that for the first time ever recognized that the constitution protects our right to...
[Steve Myers] Someone said to me, "This is beautiful fall weather." And I responded by saying, "Yeah, but winter's not very far behind." I got to thinking...
Thank you to the City Club, to those of you who are here today, and those who are listening on the broadcast. Today was a great opportunity for the three of us to share our views, but let me make...