Butterfly twist tutorial

"Now before we do the Butterfly Twist obviously I want to go into it's brother, The Butterfly. I'm going to demonstrate for you guys today, The Butterfly versus The Butterfly...
For today's butterfly twist movement I guess the gear that you really need is just yourself. But take into account the clothing that you wear is going to be important. Now I like to wear some...
Ok,here we go with the rapid recap of the butterfly twist. I guess basically everyone at home need to be in general good condition. Make sure you work out your legs. Make sure you stretch. Do a few...
Okay, in this scene we're going to be going over steps for a Wushu, or a butterfly twist as you might call it. Now a Wushu, or a butterfly, is going to be the first step you're going...
In this clip we're going to be going over how to actually start twisting and getting ready for our butterfly twist. Now you should already have down how to do a Wushu before going into the...