"soy la primera criatura de este Reino" Por Lo tanto Surgiré y suspiraré con todo corazon el credo de Hades y mas allá mientras me sucumbo al inevitable pecado Por qué no ,me puedo...



WARSAW 1956 Directors: Jerzy Bossak, Jaroslaw Brzozowski Editing: Waclaw Kazmierczak The same time each year the newrsreel chronicler sets off for a tour round Warsaw. The chronicler counts new...
So my family background - I was born in Europe, so I lived in Germany for 7 years and I also spent some time in North Carolina, and then I spent 5 years, my high school years, were spent in England,...
Hi this Kuba and Deante, we have another episode of this is backstage tv. Tonight we are in Bułka z Masłem and we have our next guests with us. Hi, we're the Night Marks Electric Trio and...
Welcome folks to kitchenbook.tv channel I wanted to show you how to cook a homemade herring salad I'll use two fillets I dice the herring filletes The other main ingredient except for herring...



You've got the words to change a nation But you're biting your tongue You've spent a life time stuck in silence Afraid you'll say something wrong If no one ever hears...
With defiance and resistance I burn the bridges and their names Will I ever comprehend My own spells and games? Let me keep my world Let me have my slaves They all do wonders for me So I can leave...
Hi, it's Darek "Daray" Brzozowski, we're at the recording session for the band Hunter We're recording at the spot with the unique acoustics, matching the...
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When I was young I used to go to church. Parents didn't want to take me because the only thing that was interesting to me were sculptures and wall paintings. Priest didn't bother me...

