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part of that this is a profit with a few moments along overpower scene
by him in many many other witnesses he would do the whole group of people
and he said he couldn't have about
five and three
seemed to carry it
all mother as it came towards them
you couldn't hear
anything everything stopped
physically targets and dot
this is a cough taken photographs taken in italy in nineteen ninety three
markedly better prepare the policy restricting over series of months
with only nine percent two meters in height with no communication is
absolutely a
without any kind of
all uh... hostility told
got very very close up
buried injured very badly almost certainly done
no one knows if that bill clinton that
and there's no communication
there too that the the nothing
on each of the occasions it appeared
within wash off
shaking brave a powerful next
seemingly use this uh... office
huge caulking in canada
by numerous witnesses
have to stay on
did quite a lot of investigation into the the among nucleation
business and uh...
i've been to put the repair work a lot of stuff there's all of the mets seven
times and on one of the vivid i'd
interviewed together with the folks in marking
a security guard for
of helping
being dropped aboard approx
at which point
some american officials came along and it comes with two o'clock in the morning
the security guard working late and they told him
yet lol
just stay here for fifteen minutes then you can continuing with that
for sure not
we've been lucky with them
and fifteen minutes later he turned up
tutsi that
the count of people
beside the road because my great pride
uh... it on when you're on the part will reflect this
about president can work it out
before mailing gifts
boeing seven three seven this
was on its final approach to government after opening with bonds via a flying
with report
brilliant product like coming from because tremendous problems
because the painting should be damage
the outbreaks
and the scheme echo on the wings
i don't know if it was an emergency none
and certainly the flight
whereever right
be because of the flatly
several miles behind
aren't the next thing that landed at dublin
dealt with the famed loch
the the problem one about this
is a huge bomb comfort
uh... an october two thousand bristol tennessee alter the consultant paul
and stuff but northfield formating laxity had lost and somber on the
warning u
according to apprentice effective
uh... who's familiar with
we're finding out sakti that
falling who are interested what people are familiar with
the government should consider
in this case on the internet
the witness
sydney lofty
have recently diagnosed
bring uh... and according to my friend
the disappear
according to
marketed button
in britain into two thousand reports of two thousand pool
mohammed simpler
auntie mame of the independent newspaper
for eight
huge profits
filled with god
it appeared to be structures
and he and his family story
all another coffin like playing
uh... definitely government karo wasn't going out with wasn't coming down
this photograph was taken in puerto rico
united karen
with nineteen ninety seven on the part one of the great fort mcmurray that
they'd have a date with me but
i find it very very good
at the beginning
in two thousand seven
sued carolina
probably childs
they were in the channel islands
um... in french airspace ek
the and uh... one flying up trying to do here
and he's come forward with that that uh... before the involved
two-mile opportune some of them
at least multilateral mile
and this is confirmed by the pilot crew patented of another airliner flying
involvement that
on several occasions eta
helicopter believe
have been counted you the which
for only a collision course
in the u_k_
i'm sure many of you familiar with that
for him he told me that the most important information
beyond covered related to the airport place tomorrow
he said he found on this
all for fall
all offices anyway under the heading norm correct
it doesn't mean that will clean air and what i think it means is not
i found in this conflict of fleet fronts
underneath of ship name
them off
u_s_ navy ship
finding the first image
on u_p_c_ gary told me
or at least blue and white
new continent visible
of the screen
midway between the camera on the planet
conquest cigars and called him detective than obama
you know into the lead
i didn't see any livid
or community antenna
fifty for her former
defense minister during recruiter administration phone
nineteen fifty three to nineteen fifty seven
on impact with the american completely sending the bolton with nha
which includes a lot of information about the sub
he stated
classification what's on the outside
about coffee
so the vast majority of u_s_ officials and politicians
let alone india
allied ministry of defense
whenever in the loop
united states has developed the indian food where
lasers and possible done
to the point where they can be used against a visit is from space
unsold goods and about what the
might be starting into that
walnuts one too
he developed a stealth program
burial pat now very very old
technology believe me now in nineteen ninety three they were very important
u_c_l_a_ university of california north underneath the department of engineering
which he would not
into and i'm not actually friends of mine to two new poem
with the press
steve what
ben which said
in nineteen ninety three
two years before he died
we already have the means to travel among the stars
but the technologies all mclaughlin black
and it would take an act
gault ever get them out to benefit humanity
you can imagine
we already know how
about that in mind
well i don't know what expecting a presidential
comes forth
uh... tells you exactly what's going on
phiri the
any of that going to happen
if you guys
i mean who knows
i didn't make it
to the white house last time
that uh...
i thought she was in the running of mom's day
maybe she'll make
make a big announcement nobody
we're going to be told the whole story
any all that
yen is defender
to tell us even
haha schools
you thought about it
they didn't dampen is the only one we have at the moment
i can tell you
being from other worlds
from anyway
races have been on it
for longer then we have and weed pollen genetic
often are cell
the bad news is that
there are many aliens com coming and going
many of the visiting allot are living here
many of
thousands of years
and millions of the uh... the head of and technology
the bad news is that there are both coming here
who with the usual
detail maybe question time
very highly-paid
about what some of the of acquitted the aloft
linking to have people in
for human race
regarding a hybrid of
hybrid updation
and so on
in any event
didn't get to know if one kind of a man
i'm sure you that's going to be effort
of well from point
because maybe we are taking
forty blocks
not just uh...
nuclear failed bach everything else
the possibility awful they happen
be great nandi needs in the park
changes appointment vocal mobile
coming up next seven million what happened to mourn thought that maybe the
i will say that
being some of the world
i still
human being
they didn't say it
unique mohammed galaxy
uh... its unique enough to look at the bottom
unique in this
ticular net the milky way galaxy
and therefore while they may think that
walton some
indictment filed
local copy of mine
along it's a very happy packing i do not
compared with me
you needed
you need to know
you need to know
and i need the down
all right
bury my head
i think the good is the ho