Hello. I'm Graham Dewyea, founder of InLight Radio and host of the radio program Our Galactic Family. As many of you know already, we are not alone in the universe. I know my galactic family...
Čo ak nie sme sami? Čo ak stovky tisícok ľudí tvrdiacich, že videli neidentifikovateľné lietajúce objekty, boli skutočne svedkami mimozemských vozidiel? Čo ak tisíce ľudí z celého sveta, ktorí...
the alien ufo abduction story of betty & barney hill [full video documentary] %um we arrived in a blaze of light then take control the human hand group private places life nightmare have...
*Music plays* Um we are at City Arts in old town square Wichita uh a very popular area up here alot of traffic, I bring my students here to see everybody elses work. If I have an exhibit here this is...
strange alien ufo on moon in nasa footage // space anomalies 2014 [part 1] about effect shape objects on the mom what exactly is effective ship object well this is a 3-pointer star beautiful and I...
>> My name is Barry Rabe. I'm a Professor here at Ford School and Director also at Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy. We're just delighted to host today's...
In relationships this is something that you really have to consider. Self-disclosure is reciprocal, and if you want to build strong relationships, if someone self-discloses to you, you need to...
You will be provided with a unique username and password This is the 'Client Area' Quicklinks to common account tasks News items for our clients Full support documentation For this...
ON THE PREVIOUS EPISODES I'll send him our satellite position... Bruno... Cloè? Sorry? I'm sorry i've confused you with a friend of mine... You look just like her. I'm...