The big event happened one night while we were visiting the Oregon coast. We had not planned to spend the night but did at the last minute. The only available motel was an older place with horribly...
My heart has left me While waiting spring, my beauty I've been waiting the sun While waiting spring, my beauty I've been waiting the sun Everything has an end but No end of where I...



Now there really isn't anything radically wrong with being sick or with dying. Who said you're supposed to survive? Who gave you the idea that it's a gas to go on and on and...
JACOB SOBOROFF: Hey, it's Jacob. Today we've got a ping pong cannon, swimming with sharks, and a guy with a death wish. [MUSIC PLAYING] Sunday's the final day of the Sochi...
Do I have nothing good left to say? Do I need whiskey to start fueling my complaints? People love to drink their troubles away Sometimes I feel that I'd be better off that way 'Cause...
COHLE: In eternity, where there is no time, nothing can grow. Nothing can become. Nothing changes. So death created time to grow the things that it would kill and you are reborn but into the same life...
I'm sick to death like I've never been sick before! I'm sick to death like I've never been sick before! Sick to death! sick to death! sick to death! I'm sick to...
nobody what the fletc a lot of around the bend link which matches a_b_c_t_v_ scenes of death uh... yet all twenty six letters lovingly compiled that's been available and i guess will continue...
Wake up, get dressed, drink coffee, rush breakfast, travel to work in hot, overcrowded conditions, arrive early to impress the boss, read emails, reply, meetings, meetings overran, work through lunch,...