With so much of our world going online these days with e-zines forums and websites etc, it's kinda reassuring to know that they're some professional, traditional photography magazines...
[MUSIC PLAYING] MALE SPEAKER 1: [SPEAKING RUSSIAN] [SOVIET ANTHEM PLAYING] ALISON SEVERS: In 1979, the Soviet army entered Afghanistan, engaging in a brutal 10-year conflict which kick-started the...
slides are in-car handout that we uh... the morning it's it's uh... of pleasure to be able to talk to you that some of the activities that relate to the uh... mission uh... this uh......
Heathrow: Good afternoon, my name is Heathrow, and I'm a volunteer with the local Authors@Google team. We have a speaker we have today called Travis Millard, and he's done a lot of...
NARRATOR: Kids, sometimes when you're about to give up on your love life forever for the 17th time, destiny intervenes. Instead of rushing in, I took my time to think up the perfect opening...
[ Silence ] >> Hi all, hi. My name is Matt. Well, this is my MFA show and let's just get started talking about how I got involved with doing this project. A while ago I was...
so here we are it's uh... sunday sunday morning can see the end today corrosion oh finally december ninth since i've lived here is the latest i've ever seen weather like uh......
TOMMY GUERRERO: My perception of Thomas is just as a creative person. And that's the thing where people go wrong and like, well, is he, a photographer or is he a painter or is he a surfer or a...
[music plays throughout] Um, my name is Tara Bursey. I'm a graduate of the Criticism and Curatorial Practice program at OCAD University, and I was born and raised in Toronto. My thesis project...
Hi. I'm Linda Ruth and today what I want to talk to you about is the convergence at a retail level of online and offline marketing. Imagine you're walking through a store and your...