Ok, Another. To see, Pelicans Sea lions, Humming birds, and, some fishes Lets go. Ica, Peru. Hopefully he's here. Where's he gonna come out from? Hello! Yes? Pablo? Yes Thomas Nice to...



has this week on inside and b_d_o_ from kannur lassie i'd battle toys that these are you going because former unprepared for chemicals mcmahan divided it it's not too exciting i have...



- ॐ - Aum is a natural sound. And it is widely used in Hindu culture. Aum has three letters according to Sanskrit. Ah, Oo, Ma. If we write it in the roman script, it is also A, U, M. Aum. Is a very...
Ayurveda, for me, is a pedagogy of health, more than a simple medical science. Even though in India is it a medicine. Very often, in the West we only consider the philosophical,the artistic or the...
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This video will look at two additional sociological approaches to the study of adult education – Interactionism and Critical Theory. Both of these perspectives can be referred to as...
Hello, my name is Emiliano, I'm better known as shaman Gideon of the Lakotas. I'm living of light, only of light for exactly 106 days. It has been exactly 106 days that I have not had...
Nithyanandam ! My name is Manmohan Kumar. I am from Los Angeles Temple. I like to share with you my experience with Ajapa Japa. So I have been doing Ajapa Japa for last 2 weeks. Initially when I gave...
A good survival Guide can certainly be the difference between life and death.Most people never think they are going to be in a crisis situation, which is one reason so many deaths occur during...



It doesn’t... improve your life, it makes you want things...creates want... and it's like... “Do you have it yet?” “When are you getting yours?” They're so smart when they make these...

