Oh my student, you wish to study the mantid. Be warned the Pandaren frontier is littered with the graves of former pupils. The mantid are harsh teachers, every generation the mantid swarm the serpent...
Through the dark I reach for you with nowhere left to turn Like the night I have no light I'm a candle yet to burn Baha'u'llah Baha'u'llah Through all the...



I'm Chandra Muzaffar from Malaysia, I am Head at the public interest NGO called International Movement for a Just World, which has been involved in the Dialogue of Civilizations for quite a...
Hi, I'm Caity Garbinsky. I'm an Early Ed major. I'm Mary Johnson. I'm a Religion major. I'm Joe Antus. I'm a Religion and Political Science major, and...
I've been studying Du Bois to varying levels of interest and intensity for almost my entire life. Like many people, I started off reading and, quite frankly, misunderstanding "The...
>>Ankerberg: How do we know that Jesus Christ actually lived, was a historical person? >>Bock: We have pretty good evidence outside anything in the Bible from Josephus in a...
>>>CHRIS KNOX: Neal Knox’s writings, his clutterment to a book ‘Neal Knox, The Gun Rights War’ and that reaches back to some of his earliest writing which goes back to 1966. He...
Would you like to help someone learn your language? Most of our tutors are also learners. It is very rewarding to help others learn your language and you can even earn points by doing so. To start...
>>Ankerberg: Alright. Let’s step back. If I am not a Christian, the way I want to look at that is that at least those Christians thought that was doggone important....