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[theme song] whoosh [music continues] ♪ Meet George Jetson ♪ ♪ His boy Elroy ♪ ♪ Daughter Judy ♪ ♪ Jane his wife ♪♪ [music continues] [theme music] [pleasant music] (Astro) 'Walky-walky...
I wish to tell all that all these bodybuilders whether they have become coaches etc.or are old or new ones. Mr. Bhupinder Dhawan who loves all & who started THE GYM; I can assuredly say that...
DR. LIOR KANE: Hi, I'm Dr. Kane with Expert Village and the author of "How to Become a Professional Bachelor". You know, anyone can date a supermodel. I've done it...
Very good, sir. Flush beats a full straight. Hi, I’m Adam Lyons the Dating Coach, and I’m going to show you how James Bond gets girls. Now, Dr No is the first James Bond movie and is probably most...
Just - I've been to the department of- - [ Buzzer Buzzes ] <i>- [ Pulleys Squeak ]</i> But you've stamped this form before. Why won't you stamp it...
Want to know which activities are best suited for fibromyalgia survivors? Stay tuned to find out about the top 7. When you're sore and achy the last thing that you want to consider doing is...
I the resistance bands I've been using them for a long time as you can see the one at the top is the single band and the ones that I use here at the bottom have a double safety feature to it...
you're about to hear from a world-class expert in nutrition physiology and biology that is tight humor performance at the University of Florida and has dedicated his entire life to the study a...