BENNO WILLEIT: [SPEAKING GERMAN]. Well, that was an introduction in German. Because we're here in Austria. And I just wanted to say welcome to Austria here to Kirchberg for the Marathon World...
With a bit of luck and you know all my stars line up on that day I could be a show of getting on the middle step of world championship. I think this year will be a lot better a lot more practiced than...
Bright lights, screaming American fans and grown men whizzing down ice slopes - what more could you ask for from a sporting event ! In the second of five Ice Cross Downhill World Championship races...
My name is Ally Stacher. I'm a professional cyclist for Specialized Lululemon. My name is Jess Bratus I work at Two Wheel Tango and I'm a certified BG Fit Technician. Ally Stacher was...
[Music] This is a team. We're not after the No. 1 ranked rider in the world. The objective is to be the No. 1 ranked team in the world. There's no question that right now the...
A relaxing start to the day for some members of the peloton at the Sealine Beach resort... Not so chilled out for others... race leader Kirsten Wild’s Argos Shimano team briefing stressed vigilance...
Hello and welcome to the GCN news show. We're still out at the Tour of Italy bringing you all of the action, but today is the rest day, and we're in France. It's been another...
I got into modeling when I was 19. I was walking with my friends and we were at the mall in Pensacola, Florida. This lady had approached me, and she had Ferros Fashion and it's a big, giant...
The day before a race is always really exciting but really nerve racking. As for the morning of, I am like a mess. 'Cause I'm just so frazzled, do I have everything, do I have my...
Yeah I think for me having being travelled internationally and seeing all other programs the AIS sort of chops on every other program so to win this award amongst athletes across all sports is quite...