When the shit goes down

can you hear me? im about to rip this shit. nigga, dont call me nigga...who the fuck are you? can you hear me?... yo!..you look like a fuckin homo, slap u in the face with tony romo, cuz he cant even...
he cattle campaigns uh... damn reason much not requested thunder gameplay it was shifts i mean talking shipwrecks scripts saathi we go holy shit i'm regretting miscellany adding content this...
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CBS's banning all tobacco products from its stores they are set to lose about $2 billion dollars annually as a result of this but they want to do it because they want to be known as a an...
it's systolic about them in the theory that that would have been some type of uh... maybe perhaps inciting moment let's let's turn to a prop eight which uh... uh... for chile...
No Tiime For Reasoning IM Celebrating My Teachers They Taught Me Well And Kept Me Strong For Those That Who Leaches Who Wake Up Everyday To Find Me In Pieces Who Wants To Destroy Me and Turn Me To...