Having poor Wi-Fi signals and not sure if you need a router, access point or extender? Edimax has the solution for you. Edimax 3 in 1 multi-function routers are exceptionally versatile with three...
Te lo mereces por completo. Por completo. Sí. En ningún planeta un organizador de zapatos es buen regalo. Eso es sólo... ¿qué? Bueno, sí, no, no... ...entiendo que era venganza, pero-- No es larga...
-Gracias,oh... -Hola -Hola, Larry---Creo me ya me voy... -Me alegra que hayamos tenido esa charla---Si... -Me siento mucho mejor...---Yo también -gracias por venir--Encantada de conocerte. -Deberías...



ASHLEY: On a day to day basis, the processor is I want to say it's the glue for the process. You know, we work with the underwriters, the mortgage bankers, the title company, the closers. We...
JONATHAN: First-time homebuyers, when they think of down payment, they think that that's the only dollar amount that they're going to have to bring to the table, and that's...
JULIE: After the seller moves out, but before you actually close on the property, it's usually a day or two, I would recommend doing a walkthrough of the property and making sure that...
STEVE: So HOA is the homeowners association. They can pay for a lot of different things, depending on the neighborhood. In this neighborhood we're paying for the landscaping in the front of...
The only reason we procrastinate is because we're afraid to step out of our comfort zone. So we do all these things that are not related to what we need to be doing. Sales, for example. Sales...