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♪ and a turbo charged backpack ♪ ♪ His genius sisters use him like a lab rat ♪ ♪ A neat freak dad at home ♪ ♪ a super busy mom ♪ ♪ The boy's best friend is a talking dog ♪ ♪ Talking dog ♪ ♪...
Today we shall play some Kerbal Space program! Let's get started and go make a rocket with extra parts. Sorry, a bit of lag. So first we need... I really don't know. Hold on....
AH? NEW CHAMPION? ZAC? ZÉ ARMANDO COUTINHO Zac no? It's green Looks like he came from the sewers Like sonic (Super Mario stage 2 music XD) Manga Lets go start recording. Is it recording? Lets...
punch punch punch punch punch...... whacha doing???? whaaaaaa? no no no! ha ha haaa go away i dont like you love meeee! love me never! run into that cactus woah everything is soo amazing NO! my name...



I'm at arkansas trying to to learn from all of this hate you've given me where have the times gone maybe its all wrong where are the schools that's made for us two yeah, I know...



01 Before the first cable by TravelPod member tiggerbird 02 It´s quite high... trust me! by TravelPod member tiggerbird 03 Through the clouds... and beyond! by TravelPod member tiggerbird 04 Loving...



Lizzie: Hey everybody! Look! It’s a new room. And it’s not even a bedroom, but an office. I don't know how we’ll stand the excitement. But that’s not even the best part. What's the...
I´m just gonna see it... Like this? It´s better this way It´s good This stupid doesn´t want to see himself You´re the one who starts! is it recording? Damn it, I don´t know like this You ruined it!...



I have a lover. Let me introduce you to him. You ask me, ‘are you still alone?’ And I just laughed I am loving someone, I have someone to love You seem to worry about me, Telling me there is someone...