Many people think of copyright as protection of owners, and indeed it does do that, but that's only one part of copyright. Copyright law actually exists to encourage people to make culture....
It was the height of the UPDF – LRA [Uganda People's Defense Force vs. Lord’s Resistance Army] bush war. It was really really bad so – every day almost people were getting killed, abducted...
MUSIC ASHA: I really love telling stories and getting to hear people's stories. ALEX: You really get an idea of what all the different majors are in the college and it really helps you focus...
I think a lot of people think journalism school and they just think of interviewing, writing and reporting. I left with a skill set that made me comfortable going into the field of marketing, which I...
they can't even possible island about nobody analyst as print reporters we often forget to think about how things are gonna look and feel we usually just on the other end of a phone somewhere...
JAISAL NOOR: This is The Real News, and I'm Jaisal Noor in Baltimore. Egyptian courts have acquitted more than 60 people accused of violence during protests last summer. Among those are...
I really love the idea that in this program you can take it at your own pace on your own time if that means midnight for you that's great you take it at the that the time the place that you...
If Viacom are the most throbbing, serpentine cockheads in contemporary media, then are their shaft and balls. Given their plummeting site traffic and rapidly mounting irrelevance,...
right now dianne feinstein other members the US Senator trying to define the word Press now bill press the press as in the first amendment to the press that's mention the first lie in the...
Here at UWE what we like to do is run quite a lot of our courses as if they're jobs in the real world so there are newsdays we send our students out reporting we make films for clients we get...