Hi, good evening. Thanks for proposing the issue. So I will tell you about the indigenous movie school. That's what we do. I don't know if you found this intervention unusual, exotic,...
Dear friends By authority of the "Prevention of infiltration" law, the star of the library's theater show, Babi Ibrahim, was arrested yesterday indefinitely without reason or...
[Git Merge 2013] I'm a web developer. I live in Berlin. My name is Jack. [Jack Pearkes] I get on trains a lot. I go on planes and trains and automobiles, and I have a lot of Git repositories...
OLM supports communication through the discussion and notifications tools. The discussion feature is accessed either trough the blue header bar, or the appropriate button under the Communication...
Y yo quiero comentarles como... ... conforme han dicho. Es decir, La Sexta es una televisión que... no es bienvenida porque no es una televisión que hable bien de nuestro... de nuestro pueblo. Hace...



Bienvenidos alArea Virtual de Toxicología la Universidad Cardenal Herrera Hoy intentaremos explicar los mecanismos por los que el etilenglicol produce su toxicidad. El etilenglicol es un líquido...



Me llamo Silvia, vivo en Castellón y voy a la escuela de Vicent Artero Tengo 10 años y voy a la clase de 5º A. A mi me gustaría recomendar el libro que se titula "Melteb i la branqueta...



"Enzyme promiscuity" Enzyme promiscuity is the characteristic that have some enzymes of catalyzing not only a primary relationship, that has developed the enzyme or that has evolved...
Well, my name is Mike Seaman. And I came to Danielle first, the first time I think was in 2010, somewhere around there. Just retired from teaching. I'd been teaching for 37 years. And was...
[GIT MERGE 2013] Hi there, I'm Roberto Tyley. I work at The Guardian in the UK and I wrote a tool called the BFG, which is like a simpler, faster, alternative to git-filter-branch. Basically,...