David: I have a Wikileaks story that I want to mention quickly, and then we'll talk to Mark Potok in a little bit from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The U.S. has subpoenaed Twitter messages...
Hey Guys. So you know from time to time I like to do policicky videos and of course there is this big government shut down happening across the pond in the united states so it only makes sense that I...
Good evening, everybody. Tonight, the Republicans and Democrats in Congress have come together around an agreement that will reopen our government and remove the threat of default from our economy....
How to Understand the 3 Branches of Government. To make sure that no ruling body has absolute power, the Constitution splits government into three branches. Understand both their independent duties as...
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hello to our two nations my name is in today's man walks into a key for about two years now and i absolutely love what you guys to hear and happy for the opportunity to contribute this is my...
what i mean jeez did you know and ally outlets bloated bob and then it's off they went in there to stage are america ask extremely cultural often watch at medica sanctions hello mind any is...
Hi. I'm Bernard Daskal of Lynch Daskal Emery. I represent individuals who have been harmed by medical devices or pharmaceuticals. And today I'm going to talk to you about the steps...
How does the US Government intend to deal with the growth in Disability claimants. Hi I'm Marc Whitehead, a Board Certified Social Security Disability Attorney. People are always asking me...