hi my name is Marcus and I'm going to show you the ColorAnalyzer for Windows Phone 7 first of all we need to download the app so I've navigated to the marketplace and enter to such...
In fact, quantum mechanics almost could not be more obvious. At least, to those of us fortunate enough to have color vision. Look at some object, such as these toy bricks here. These nice blue toy...
I salute you. You have gathered in great numbers to discuss a matter of huge importance and propose solutions over the next four days. First democracy - as the World Movement for Democracy - and then,...
(piano music) Narrator: David, I wanted to ask you about materials and I guess what we were going to focus on now was tempera painting, which was very popular at the very beginning of the Renaissance...
You know--the Florentines get all the credit and it's important to remember that there was another major city in the 1300s --that was also in Tuscany --that was another independent republic...
(piano playing) Dr. Zucker: We're in the museum of the Cathedral of Siena and we're looking at, probably the single most famous work of art from Siena. Certainly one of the most...
Hi, I'm Marge Kinney and welcome back, By the way, thank you very much for all your emails,and your comments. It makes it a lot more interesting for me to know that you like what you are...
The 41st millenium The Imperium of Mankind stretches across the entire galaxy. Still, tremendous wars rage at its frontiers. As well as within. Only a merciless authority full of cruelty and scorn is...
I probably hate this time the most. a blank canvas and you have no idea what you want to paint. well, since I still don't know what I want to paint yet... this is just cheap foam board. A foam...