>>Elliott: Hewo, and welcum tuh shourshfed. My name is Elliott Morgan. >>Joe: AND I’M JOE BRETTA >>Elliott: STOP YELLING (intro) >>Elliott:...
>>Elliott: A Utah mother was shopping with her 18-year-old son, at the mall, and pulled one of the biggest, “COME ON, MOM” moments this side of the Sexual Revolution....
>>Ross: A new study from Edinburgh university has found a link between IQ and height, suggesting that those who are shorter are on average more likely to be less intelligent....
(IN UNISON) Heeeyyy! Welcome to Comment Commentary. I'm Elliott Morgan. I'm Lee Newton. And I'm Steve Zaragoza. [INAUDIBLE] This is where you go for your comments all...
>>Joe: Lee! We got ourselves a new dinosaur! >>Lee: New dinosaur dance! >>Joe: Two dino-scientists dino-say that some dino-bones found in Portugal are that of...
(OFFSCREEN) One more time. How long can I keep this up? At least one more time. Yeah! (SINGING) Da da da da da da da da, da. [GROANS] [LAUGHS] Da da da da da da da da da. Hey, guys! Welcome to...
Interviewer: Now Liv and Maddie tell me about it what is the show all about? Benjamin King: So Liv and Maddie, identical twins one of them Liv was in Hollywood making a TV show. She comes back, her...
[music] >> Joe: Picture earth. Handsome planet, right? Now, picture our earth surrounded by thousands upon thousands of satellites integral to communication and life as we know here on...
>> Joe: Welcome back to SourceFed, I’m the lonely Joe Bereta [music]   >> You may have heard rumblings over the years about the grim working conditions, wages, and...
Male Speaker: I saw the pilot of Almost Human and I loved it. Michael Ealy: Good, thank you. Male Speaker: And I wanted to know your character although is artificial seems more human than most....