Trials and tribulations

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[Speaking Arabic] Plaise be to Allah Almighty, the one we ask help, mercy, forgivness. We seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the bad deeds of our selves. And the evils of our souls. Whoever Allah...
This week was really tough. I worked a tremendous amount of hours and, = unfortunately, when that happens it's really hard for me to get my = training in. So I think I got two days, maybe...
This is a Mid Pacific Region, Public Affairs Production. [water sounds] [music] Narrator: The San Joaquin River Restoration Program is conducting many studies in preparation for reintroducing Fall and...
Good evening my name is doctor James lani with Statistics Solutions and tonight I'm hoping to present an inviting and interesting webinar. Basically, showing you basic tools to work through...
We kind of had them down to go to a different school. What I did is I went to look at another school and I got such an amazing feeling, you know, gut reaction. So I went in there and I thought I love...



PAUL FLETCHER: Hello, I'm Paul Fletcher. I'm Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications in the Australian Government, and I'm also a dad. And like lots of...
Once upon a time at a college far, far away from her crazy stepmother but unfortunately at the same college as her ugly stepsisters, a girl named Ella filmed her first entry for University Ever After....
Previously on Places Please. (Emmy) Are you kidding me? You never answer your phones. Are you retarded? (Jack) Another vanity project by a spoiled little girl who thinks she's an actress....