When I was 11 or so...I talk about...So Philly is my home hands down all that kind of stuff when I was 11 though I was living in a rural town in South Jersey so when I was in a rural town in South...
Every two days somewhere in the world a transgender person is murdered with violence. In 2008 alone more then 425 cases were reported. A shocking reality. These figures do not give any estimates of...
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bjbj Hi, YouTube! For my first video, I d like to talk about a subject that s very near and dear to me, which is safer sex for transgender people. I want to share this with you because there s a real...
bjbj So one of the most important things you can do to really, really ensure that you re taking care of yourself is to be able to have a really good rapport with your partner or your partners. You...
bjbj Now, as we established, if you re like me and you don t want to or can t find one of these pre-packaged dental dams which look something like this There is your pre-packaged dental dam, and let s...
Hello there um my names jaxon and i identify as genderqueer and trans trasmasculine as a trasnboi tranny boi boi with an i and but today i wanted to um just kind of do like a trans 101 im going to do...
bjbj So here s where we really start to talk about the mechanical aspects of how you would keep yourself safe. Your goal with anything related to safer sex is to keep yourself fluid-free. You don t...



DR. WALTER BOCKTING: Now, switching to transgender identity development; this is mainly based on clinical experience. There has been some qualitative research that has informed this as well, and...



Hi, my name is Sarah Savage, I was on a Channel 4 television show "My Transsexual Summer". Since then I've helped launch a government initiative of trans* awareness,...