my name is Andrew Coate and I'm going to my second year at the Boston University School of Theology i'm serving as the young adult caucus worship coordinator at General Assembly 2013...
Hi everyone, my name's Kit, I am the project coordinator of In a Bind here at TransActive. The In a Bind program is a binder exchange program. We gather donations from people who no longer...
>>Sallans: Hey Folks, Ryan Sallans. And this video is for all the people out there who are struggling to find acceptance from their parents. All the people out there who have to deal...
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Could you like give us a minute, you're interrupting something here... Good morning Gfs, Bfs and everyone else in between this is the second week in trans guy week, yes it's two trans...
The conductor is going to get off and say "all aboard!" For Sylvia and me, Trans-Health 2013 ended exactly where it began On the train platform at Philadelphia's 30th Street...
During my recent interview on the Godless Business podcast, I was asked whether I was "pre-op" or "post-op" - terms which refer to whether a transgender person has...
Sylvia and I were all smiles as we arrived at Philadelphia's 30th Street Station Once we got our bearings, Sylvia and I expressed it over to the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Center City...
hi everyone In this video I'm going to answer a few questions that are frequently asked to me The first one is are your family supportive? Yeah they are supportive They're fully...