I'm doing everything I can! That's not good enough! Wait... What's wrong with you? Nothing! Leave me alone! Then go! Leave! I should've never left Hermione. You...
The Watcher by Robert H. Benson One morning, the priest and I went out soon after breakfast and walked up and down a grass path between two yew hedges; the dew was not yet off the grass that lay in...



(Lyrics by: Hwethlenn) He is my all mystery Harbinger of the moonless obscurity Neither golden augustly nor silvery I come to see him clandestine The hope's idol sublime My golden hair graced...
SAM, This is You By Murray Leinster You are not supposed to believe this story, and if you ask Sam Yoder about it, he is apt to say that it's all a lie. But Sam is a bit sensitive about it. He...
So I want to start with a number. And this is a very significant number, actually. And I hope you'll enjoy to know, that this is the life expectancy of a hobbit. And this number is evidence of...
>> Announcer: With over 15 million books sold in the United States alone, more thank four dozen books to his credit and numerous game credits, Bob, yes, you can call him Bob, has become...