Cheese baby, smile for the news maybe get to use something they can abuse. Please take a picture of me put me up on the screen. Make me famous in Queens. So did they get you to talk? Make you spill...



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Hi my name is Natalie. I just got done riding the Rossi Frenemy board. This is a really good board I would say it's a 5 out of 5 stars. Really good beginner board and then kind of keep you...



This year at T-Base, we're giving back to the earth, and we invite you to join us! For some, paper is an absolute necessity. Without it, some braille and large print users who require their...
[ follow @Mumra2k ] (Kenshiro) Aww, come on team-mate, man! (Mumra2k) Yeah! [Film quote: Gladiator 1999] "I will have my revenge" "In...



Hey everybody Mike Linville here with Web Bytes, bite sized web training in 2 minutes or less. Today's topic is WordPress. Now WordPress started out life in 2003 as a blogging tool, but back...



Fulgrim landed on the planet of Chemos where he was found by some workers who adopted him and took him back to Callax. Fulgrim soon became a legend in his own right. At half the age of his fellow...



The phenomenon that changed lives... The revelation that empowered millions... The secret that shocked the world... Was in reality Incomplete Think you really know the Law of Attraction? ...that...
hey guys Adam pain he come at you with away from central Japan in his buddy i'ma give you my Rocket Video Ranker 3.0 review 3.0 review national not too much in my videos up in going through...