This is a different one

COURTNEY: Hi everybody. Thanks for coming. Sorry that we're starting a little late. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my neighbors, Ian and Donna Mitroff. They are the authors...
Have you stopped training specific areas of your chest because someone told you that it's impossible? There's an old saying in the gym that says 'Believe nothing of what you...
Hi Steve from Wilhelmy Homes Thanks for visiting our site We really appreciate it I want to talk to you about one of the most important things before you put your house on the market And...
NARRATOR: If you'd like to see a different layout for your keyboard, you can choose your 'Settings' button. Make sure you're on the 'Settings' tab and...
My name is Roger Cassany I was born in Vic, a city north of Barcelona And today I work as a journalist in Barcelona We are now in Parc Güell, the largest project by architect Antonio Gaudi Here,...
Porn is different from sex in real life. Let's find out how! Porn star penises are 6 to 9 inches. Civilian penis? 5 to 7. And while porn stars have very little hair down there, in real life...
>> HENRY: Hi I'm Henry Kimsey-House co-author of "The Stake -- Making of Leaders". I would ask to talk to you a little bit about why I wrote this book and how...