Well if shoot if you want to. But I don't know why you would. Hi What can I say? My motivation hit the ground in some stage when I realized that this isn't working... That the car...
The Mayans were very good astronomers. They knew how the planets moved, they knew about the seasons and they made very good calendars. Like us they had cycles in their calendars. We have months,...
December the 3rd, 1989 was the day the Cold War ended...officially, and the unlikely venue was the tiny island of Malta in the Mediterranean. Leaders of the two superpowers had agreed to meet there to...
I sent my men to follow her Sheís been walking with her friend We believe they may be escaping Itís the failure of my plan Did you spend the night with him? Yes, I know I was betrayed She said ìI...
GARY A. HAUGEN: Well, I didn't plan to come to Google to get razzed about my hair, but I guess you just don't know what to expect. So thanks for keeping me on my toes, Justin. Thank...
What's This? It's a plane ticket to California Kate, you met him on the internet! So? Do you know who you meet on the internet? WIERDO'S! I don't know where...
This isn't the end. Really, it isn't. It's true that students will be dressed in those big brown robes and walking across the stage step by step. With each stride we'll...



I was really lucky to be able to give a draft of this presentation to the women's gathering that happened before the conference so most of the women here have seen it already and I was really...
Because we see this tragedies everyday we start appreciating it Journalist should be part of the agony, part of the suffering, they can't really be bystander spectators, its wrong,...
Good evening and welcome to television. I can remember actually going to a twenty first birthday party where we all sat on the floor and watched a little tiny screen because someone in our street had...